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越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334越秀·星颂府首页网站欢迎您售楼处直销—匠心钜制恭迎品鉴!【温馨提示:看房请提前预约,错开高峰,谢谢配合】Vip贵宾置业网上售楼中心〢欢迎来电咨询〢提前预约可享内部优惠〢1v1销售专业讲解售楼处电话:400-877-8334【售楼热线】营销中心热线400-877-8334售楼处地址400-877-8334,楼盘项目全面介绍,本电话为开发商提供线上售楼电话,售楼处地址,认筹时间,开盘时间,交付时间,楼盘项目全面介绍(包含楼盘简介,房价,价格,楼盘地址,户型图,交通规划,学区配置,一房一价表,样板间,备案价,项目配套,楼盘详情,售楼处电话,最新消息,最新详情,周边配套,最新进展等详情咨询)越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334如果你来到越秀·星颂府,也许就会明白,为什么说它是理想优居之选。在越秀·星颂府附近,一个约1.6个西湖大的青山湖国家森林公园,如一块巨型的翡翠,镶嵌于城市的霓虹繁华之间。它是无数杭州潮人和星青年相约打卡的网红地标。在未见到TA之前,你可能早已在小红书里被那童话般的红树林重度种草。越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334项 目 简 介越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334越秀星颂府坐落在杭州临安区,青山湖科技城板块,房屋面积在89-99㎡左右,每平方米的价格大约在1.5w左右。除了房屋本身的优越条件,星颂府的周边环境也是非常优美的。距离地铁16号线的“青山湖科技城”站非常近,方便居民出行。越秀星颂府越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334周边就是杭州青山湖宝龙广场,里面有永辉超市、肯德基、星巴克、必胜客等各种餐饮和购物场所,生活便利无比。越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334而且,星颂府附近还有许多娱乐休闲的场所。约30万平方米的星汇天地已经开放了8万平方米,提供了更多的购物和娱乐选择。此外,青山湖国家森林公园、青山湖环湖步道、狮山公园等自然景观也让人心旷神怡,尽情享受大自然的美好。(本文摘要:最新房价价格面积房源折扣,楼盘信息资料项目介绍,售楼处位置电话,小区周边配套,新房样板间户型图照片及交付时间)越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334在教育资源方面,星颂府也是一应俱全。附近有育才学校、青山湖科技城第一/第二小学、青山湖科技城三小(正在建设中)、杭州十四中青山湖分校(正在建设中)等全龄段教育机构,为孩子们提供了优质的学习环境。越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334星颂府对建筑立面进行了迭代升级,匠心打造青山湖科技城又一人居封面。其次,在景观设计上导入“场景化”理念,以生活为蓝本,与全架空配置的功能空间为呼应,设置3个聚场、4大盒子,打造全龄交互园区。越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334除了房屋本身的设计,星颂府的园林景观也是一大亮点。项目周边绿树成荫,在这里散步、慢跑、嬉戏,都是一种享受。尤其是青山湖国家森林公园的存在,更是为居民提供了一个放松身心的好去处。越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-83342024年再出发,越秀地产将持续践行城市美好生活创领者的初心,与城市发展同频共振,呈现更高品质的著作,赋能城市美好生活方式。越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334户 型 鉴 赏越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334在忙碌了300多天后,年末不期而至,对生活的那些幸福期许:或许是一次短逃离的旅行,或许是事业进入新阶段,或许是有一个理想的家……是否都实现了呢?越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334一次旅行可能轻而易举,但选择一个理想的家却不容易。从不确定的经济大环境、到开发商的承诺是否会如实兑现、再到置业成本让人望而却步,每一点都成为焦虑的理由,幸福安家从何谈起?越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334但对杭州的买房人来说,幸福已经触手可及。千亿国企实力为背景,越秀·星颂府,以国企品质+优越配套+首付6万起超低置业门槛,更以实景示范区呈鉴,让“幸福安家 我选越秀”成为置业者坚定的答案。越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334项目鸟瞰效果图越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334近年来,国货品牌频频成为热搜话题。华为、大疆、比亚迪……等一众实力品牌不仅收获全球的瞩目,更迅速收获国人青睐,成为消费首选。究其根本原因,在于国货的背后所承载的国匠精神与匠心品质。越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334同样秉持国匠精神,越秀地产以千亿国企资金实力,匠心砥砺40载,与临安倾心相交13年,耕植9座作品,每一次品质兑现,都让这座城看到越秀持续精进的产品力、稳健的交付力和兑现力。越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334从收获1万5千余户业主的一致信任、到常年霸榜临安热销榜……越秀用每个掷地有声的步履,向置业者诉说着“在临安,你永远可以相信越秀”的安心,让幸福安家的理想成为现实。越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334项目外立面效果图越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334如果说,在临安有一种安心叫越秀,那么就有一种幸福叫越秀·星颂府。越秀地产持续对品质做加法,越秀·星颂府于星悦城的基础上进行多维品质升级,在时间的见证下,实景示范区兑现。越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334于外,拥抱一城醇熟烟火,于内,沉浸真切可鉴的丰盈生活,幸福安家,触手可及。越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334项目区位图越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334城市烟火+山湖诗意装下你对繁华世界的无尽想象越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334当走出家门,踏上地铁16号线,2站未科南湖站、6站未科芯,无缝换乘3/5号线,不论出行游玩、还是日常通勤,转身之间随心所至,实现工作、生活在主城。越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334下班后的时光,去影院追一部刚上映的热门大片、一次丰富的party、体验世界的潮流风尚,在大园路中轴上,宝龙广场、约30万方星汇天地(其中约8万方已投入使用)里已铺陈开来。越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334星汇天地实景图越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334将城市喧嚷抛在身后,去到青山湖国家森林公园、约42km环湖绿道以及3座公园绿境,露营、徒步、骑行,披一身风景,再带着好心情慢慢归家。越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334为孩子奠定更好的起点,有杭十四中青山湖学校在侧;家人的健康,有青山湖中医院安心护航……一切关于幸福的想象,漫步之间即可相拥。越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334学校示意图越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-83343个聚场+4大盒子每一个角落都能有无限乐趣越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334从独处到小聚,从遛娃到社交,生活有多少方式,楼下就能装下多少想象。恣意走下楼,“自然聚场、休闲聚场、运动聚场”3个聚场正在等候你。越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334在林下漫步道,和家人并肩闲逛;林下阅读花园,在书香和花香之间深呼吸,为自己充满电;或者约上三五邻居好友,林下剧场、多功能景观会客厅,开启一段放松身心的社交时间;萌宠和放学后的孩子们,亦有专属的天地……款待运动、休闲、遛娃等每一种时光和欢趣。越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334项目景观实景图越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334转过绿茵小径,来到约5000㎡泛会所式架空层,“健身盒子、学习盒子、颐养盒子、童趣盒子”等4大盒子,与园区盎然花木相映成趣。陪伴孩子嬉戏阅读、风雨无阻,将一直被搁浅的健身计划提上日程,和邻居探寻新的热爱……多元度假式场景,步入便瞬间沉浸在丰盈生活的畅想中。向往的生活,成为往后每一天触手可及的体验。越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334一幕幕生活场景的背后,是国企越秀对产品品质的匠心执着,是置业者与幸福期许的倾心相遇。越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334越秀·星颂府,紧邻地铁16号线,6站未科芯,一站式醇熟配套,建面约89-99㎡三房两卫,首付6万起,幸福安家。越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334示意图越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334越秀·星颂府越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334越秀·星颂府首页售楼处电话:400-877-8334越秀·星颂府首页网站欢迎您售楼处直销—匠心钜制恭迎品鉴!【温馨提示:看房请提前预约,错开高峰,谢谢配合】Vip贵宾置业网上售楼中心〢欢迎来电咨询〢提前预约可享内部优惠〢1v1销售专业讲解售楼处电话:400-877-8334【售楼热线】营销中心热线400-877-8334售楼处地址400-877-8334,楼盘项目全面介绍,本电话为开发商提供线上售楼电话,售楼处地址,认筹时间,开盘时间,交付时间,楼盘项目全面介绍(包含楼盘简介,房价,价格,楼盘地址,户型图,交通规划,学区配置,一房一价表,样板间,备案价,项目配套,楼盘详情,售楼处电话,最新消息,最新详情,周边配套,最新进展等详情咨询)Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Welcome to the homepage website of Yuexiu Xingsong MansionSales Office Direct Sales - Exquisite Craftsmanship Welcome to Taste!【 Friendly reminder: Please make an appointment in advance to view the house and avoid peak hours. Thank you for your cooperation 】VIP Real Estate Online Sales Center - Welcome to inquire by phone. Pre booking can enjoy internal discounts. 1v1 sales professional explanationSales Office Hotline: 400-877-8334 [Sales Hotline] Marketing Center Hotline: 400-877-8334 Sales Office Address: 400-877-8334, Comprehensive Introduction to Real Estate Projects. This phone number provides developers with an online sales phone number, sales office address, fundraising time, opening time, delivery time, and comprehensive introduction to real estate projects (including real estate introduction, house prices, prices, address, layout plan, transportation planning, school district configuration, one room one price list, model rooms, record prices, project supporting facilities, real estate details, sales office phone number, latest news, details, surrounding facilities, and latest developments)Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334If you come to Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion, you may understand why it is said to be the ideal choice for living.Near Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion, there is a green mountain lake national forest park about 1.6 times the size of West Lake, like a giant jade inlaid in the neon bustle of the city. It is an internet celebrity landmark where countless Hangzhou trendsetters and young stars meet to check in. Before seeing TA, you may have been heavily grassed by the fairy tale like mangrove forest in Little Red Book.Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Project IntroductionYuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion is located in Lin'an District, Hangzhou, in the Qingshanhu Science and Technology City area. The housing area is around 89-99 square meters, and the price per square meter is about 1.5 million yuan. In addition to the superior conditions of the house itself, the surrounding environment of Xingsong Mansion is also very beautiful. The Qingshanhu Science and Technology City station on Line 16 of the subway is very close, making it convenient for residents to travel.Yuexiu Xingsong MansionYuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Surrounded by Hangzhou Qingshan Lake Powerlong Plaza, there are various catering and shopping places, such as Yonghui Supermarket, KFC, Starbucks, Pizzahut, and so on. Life is extremely convenient.Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Moreover, there are many entertainment and leisure venues near Xingsong Mansion. About 300000 square meters of Xinghui Tiandi has opened up 80000 square meters, providing more shopping and entertainment options. In addition, natural landscapes such as Qingshanhu National Forest Park, Qingshanhu Lake Trail, and Shishan Park also make people feel relaxed and happy, fully enjoying the beauty of nature. (Abstract of this article: Latest house prices, area discounts, project introduction of real estate information materials, sales office location and telephone number, surrounding facilities of the community, photos of new house model room layout and delivery time)Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334In terms of educational resources, Xingsong Prefecture is also fully equipped. Nearby, there are all age education institutions such as Yucai School, Qingshanhu Science and Technology City First/Second Primary School, Qingshanhu Science and Technology City Third Primary School (under construction), and Hangzhou No.14 Middle School Qingshanhu Branch School (under construction), providing children with a high-quality learning environment.Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Xingsong Mansion has iterated and upgraded the building facade, meticulously creating another living cover for Qingshanhu Science and Technology City. Secondly, the concept of "contextualization" is introduced in landscape design, taking life as the blueprint and echoing the fully elevated functional space. Three clusters and four large boxes are set up to create an interactive park for all ages.Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334In addition to the design of the house itself, the garden landscape of Xingsong Mansion is also a major highlight. The surrounding area of the project is shaded by green trees, where walking, jogging, and playing are all enjoyable experiences. Especially the existence of Qingshanhu National Forest Park provides residents with a good place to relax and unwind.Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Starting again in 2024, Yuexiu Real Estate will continue to uphold the original aspiration of a pioneer in a better urban life, resonate with urban development, present higher quality works, and empower a better urban lifestyle.Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Appreciation of Unit TypesYuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334After being busy for over 300 days, the end of the year unexpectedly arrived. Have all the happy expectations for life been fulfilled: perhaps it was a short escape trip, perhaps it was a new stage of career, or perhaps it was having an ideal home?Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334A trip may be easy, but choosing an ideal home is not easy. The uncertain economic environment, whether the promises made by developers will be fulfilled truthfully, and even the daunting cost of purchasing property have all become reasons for anxiety. Where can happiness and settling down start?Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334But for homebuyers in Hangzhou, happiness is within reach. Against the backdrop of a state-owned enterprise with a strength of hundreds of billions, Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion, with the quality of state-owned enterprises, superior supporting facilities, and a minimum down payment of 60000 yuan, has become a steadfast answer for homebuyers. It also serves as a demonstration area for real-life scenarios, making "I choose Yuexiu for a happy home.".Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Project bird's-eye view renderingYuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334In recent years, domestic brands have frequently become a hot topic of search. Huawei, DJI, BYD, and other powerful brands have not only gained global attention, but also quickly gained the favor of Chinese people, becoming the first choice for consumers. The fundamental reason lies in the spirit and quality of craftsmanship carried by domestic products.Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Adhering to the spirit of national craftsmanship, Yuexiu Real Estate has honed its craftsmanship for 40 years with the financial strength of a state-owned enterprise worth billions of yuan. It has been in close contact with Lin'an for 13 years, cultivating 9 works. Every time the quality is fulfilled, it shows this city Yuexiu's continuous improvement in product strength, stable delivery power, and cashing power.Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334From gaining the unanimous trust of over 15000 homeowners to consistently dominating the Lin'an best-selling list... With every resounding move, Yuexiu tells property buyers the peace of mind that "in Lin'an, you can always trust Yuexiu", making the ideal of a happy home a reality.Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Project facade renderingYuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334If there is a sense of peace in Lin'an called Yuexiu, then there is a kind of happiness called Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion. Yuexiu Real Estate continues to add quality, and Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion has carried out multi-dimensional quality upgrades on the basis of Xingyue City. With the witness of time, the demonstration area has been realized.Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Outside, embrace the city's mellow fireworks, inside, immerse yourself in a truly immersive and fulfilling life, settle down happily, and be within reach.Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Project area mapYuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Urban fireworks+poetic mountains and lakesPack your endless imagination of the bustling worldYuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334When you step out of your home and step onto Line 16 of the subway, you can seamlessly transfer to Line 3/5 without stopping at Nanhu Station for 2 stops and Kexin Station for 6 stops. Whether it's for travel or daily commuting, you can easily find your way around and work and live in the main city.Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334After work, go to the cinema to catch up on a newly released popular movie, have a rich party, and experience the world's fashion trends. On the central axis of Dayuan Road, Baolong Square and about 300000 square meters of Xinghui Tiandi (of which about 80000 square meters have been put into use) have already been laid out.Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Xinghui Tiandi Realistic MapYuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Leaving the hustle and bustle of the city behind, head to Qingshanhu National Forest Park, approximately 42km of the lake green road, and three park green areas. Camping, hiking, cycling, and covering yourself with scenery, then slowly returning home with a good mood.Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334To lay a better starting point for children, there is Qingshanhu School at Hangzhou No.14 Middle School on the side; The health of family members is safeguarded by Qingshanhu Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital... All imaginations about happiness can be embraced by strolling.Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334School diagramYuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-83343 gatherings+4 large boxesEvery corner can have unlimited funYuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334From solitude to small gatherings, from strolling children to socializing, there are many ways of life that can be filled with imagination downstairs. Wandering downstairs recklessly, the three gathering places of "Nature Gathering, Leisure Gathering, and Sports Gathering" are waiting for you.Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Strolling along the path under the forest, strolling side by side with family; Reading in the garden under the forest, taking a deep breath between the fragrance of books and flowers, to fully charge oneself; Alternatively, invite three or five neighbors and friends to a forest theater or a multi-functional landscape lounge to start a relaxing social time; Cute pets and children after school also have a dedicated world... to entertain every kind of time and fun such as sports, leisure, and strolling.Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Project Landscape Realistic MapYuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Turning around the green path, we arrived at the approximately 5000 square meter pan clubhouse style elevated floor, which includes four major boxes: "fitness box, learning box, leisure box, and children's fun box", complementing the lush flowers and trees in the park. Accompanying children to play and read, rain or shine, putting the stalled fitness plan on the agenda, and exploring new passions with neighbors... With a diverse vacation style scene, one can instantly immerse themselves in the imagination of a fulfilling life. The life of longing becomes an experience within reach every day in the future.Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Behind the scenes of daily life, there is the craftsmanship and dedication of state-owned enterprise Yuexiu to product quality, and the heartfelt encounter between homebuyers and their expectations of happiness.Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion is adjacent to Metro Line 16, with 6 stations without Kexin. It is a one-stop mature supporting facility, with a construction area of approximately 89-99 square meters and three bedrooms and two bathrooms. The down payment starts at 60000 yuan, providing a happy and comfortable home.Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Schematic diagramYuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Yuexiu Xingsong MansionYuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Yuexiu Xingsong Mansion Homepage Sales Office Phone: 400-877-8334Welcome to the homepage website of Yuexiu Xingsong MansionSales Office Direct Sales - Exquisite Craftsmanship Welcome to Taste!【 Friendly reminder: Please make an appointment in advance to view the house and avoid peak hours. Thank you for your cooperation 】VIP Real Estate Online Sales Center - Welcome to inquire by phone. Pre booking can enjoy internal discounts. 1v1 sales professional explanationSales Office Hotline: 400-877-8334 [Sales Hotline] Marketing Center Hotline: 400-877-8334 Sales Office Address: 400-877-8334, Comprehensive Introduction to Real Estate Projects. This phone number provides developers with an online sales phone number, sales office address, fundraising time, opening time, delivery time, and comprehensive introduction to real estate projects (including real estate introduction, house prices, prices, address, layout plan, transportation planning, school district configuration, one room one price list, model rooms, record prices, project supporting facilities, real estate details, sales office phone number, latest news, details, surrounding facilities, and latest developments)